Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio - We can get so boxed in by received ideas -- those concepts we swallowed years ago of what is good and what is bad, what we should or shouldn't do in order to be a good (or lovable) human being. Tuesday's solar eclipse in your 9th House of wisdom, philosophy, beliefs and the higher mind is like a bolt of lightning that shatters that box of beliefs and lets new air and light in. You don't have to listen to the voices in your soul this week, of course. But you might be curious to find out what some of the "little people" in your psyche have to say about the course you're on. Maybe those voices that tell you there's more to life than the narrow game you've been playing are on to something. You might ask your ego which parent it is trying to please or mollify with its analysis and control programs. You might ask yourself what could happen if you just up and decided to treat your life like a playful experiment for a while.

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