Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Aug 5th Eclipse

13 Aquarius 43

We have reached the final eclipse of this summer’s season. The first two, the July 7 lunar eclipse in Capricorn and the July 21 solar eclipse in Cancer, have ushered in a cycle of change in our concepts of home, family, security, nurturing and career, which will play out through July 2010. August’s Full Moon, a lunar eclipse in Aquarius, is the clean-up player in the 18-month eclipse cycle that is coming to a close.

August’s eclipse also brings us to the end of the sequence of airlocks through which we have been traveling since the solstice, when the Cancer New Moon opposed Pluto and dispatched us into a summer of evolution. These airlocks have moved us from our lives and attitudes as they existed before the solstice to the lives and attitudes we will proceed with after this lunar eclipse. Each of this summer’s eclipses has moved us a little further along an evolutionary path, accustoming us at each juncture to a slightly different atmospheric pressure. Each stage has brought incremental but manageable change that would have been too overwhelming for us to navigate in one leap. Think back to who you were as recently as mid-June. Think especially about how much of your inner essence had a voice prior to the solstice, and how much more of it is insisting on expression now. That issue has been affected by the airlocks we have been through since the solstice. Think of the changes you have experienced in the past six weeks in the state of your familial bonds, your attitude about your physical home and your career, your internal and external security, and your inclination to nurture yourself. Each airlock, each evolutionary stage has moved you closer and closer to putting nurturing yourself at the top of your priority of needs. And part of nurturing yourself is letting your heart sing and play – which brings us right into the terrain of the Leo/Aquarius eclipse cycle that is wrapping up now.
(from cosmic path.)

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