Monday, December 7, 2009

new woman

“Even the trees know it- when it is time to bring the flowers and when it is time to let go of the leaves and stand naked against the sky. They are still beautiful in that nakedness, waiting for the new foliage with a great trust that the old has gone, and the new will soon be coming, and the new leaves will start growing. We have forgotten to wait, we want everything in a hurry and it is a great loss for humanity.

In silence and waiting something inside you goes on growing- your authentic being. And one day it jumps and becomes a flame, and your whole personality is shattered; you are a new woman. And this new woman knows what ceremony is, this new woman knows life’s eternal juices” Osho


  1. I was glacing at your other blog and came across the quote by Osho that talks about ecstasy being essential to our nature and how it takes more energy to be miserable , as you are fighting against your nature (I'm probably paraphrasing poorly). I thought it was a really intersting view in contrast to the view espoused by Schopenhauer that existence is fraught with emptiness, and that man is, by nature, bored, and that from moment to moment we are fighting to be happy, to have a taste of that ecstasy - only to lose it from moment to moment as we return to that rest state of boredom.

    I cant make a determination as to which I believe in more, as I find them to be equally compelling in their extremes, and I probably swing between living my life in accordance to these sort of extremes on any given day.

  2. ohhhh. this is very interesting... we shall chat this one up..
