Sunday, December 20, 2009

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio - Nobody can think for you but you. This is what you're trying to teach yourself this week -- that what you call reality is only a representation you've made in your mind. A representation of pulsing, swirling, interlacing currents of energy, of untold billions of data packets surfing on radiating waves of light. Yes, this picture you've drawn is real to you. It's the picture your parents and teachers and the talking heads on the TV screen have taught you to draw. But it is only one of an infinite number of equally valid pictures you could be drawing if you could only free yourself from the prison of your words. I'm not trying to taunt you; I am hoping to tempt you to take your thoughts more seriously this week than you've ever taken them before. No one else is to blame for creating your world, do you get it? This is the territory you'll be exploring as Mercury retrogrades in your 3rd House of thoughts and words for the next three weeks. That, and the fact that there is an immense amount of freedom waiting for you outside of your habitual thoughts. And you are the only one on Earth who can think yourself into that freedom.

1 comment:

  1. wow, i love this. good advice, even for us non-scorps
